Tag Archives: DVD

Am I the only Muggle who hasn’t read Harry Potter??

Complete set of the seven books of the Harry P...

Complete set of the seven books of the Harry Potter series. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (film)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hey Y’all! I am finding myself this Saturday night thinking about Harry Potter – as I saw the movie on tv.. How in the world have I not read this yet??

I will admit, it came around during the “height” of my Twilight “Addiction” — So I was basically eating, breathing, living Twilight. I can clearly remember even reading during stop lights ( I know – terrible!!) – So maybe I somehow skipped it over.

I actually started reading the first book at least three times, but then I would revert back to something else – I distinctly remember the first book up until the moment Harry meets Hagrid for the first time and I was so glad he got away from that terrible cousin/aunt/uncle – I also remember loving the fact that they called humans “muggles” – what an awesome word, right? I loved the first visit to the alley where they get all the “magical” supplies and in the movie I LOVE the first dinner at Hogwart’s and just how awesome they constructed this wolrd via the movie – Personally I just loved all the movies.

So – I didn’t watch any of the movies promising myself that I would read first, then see the movies. And up until the last movie was released on DVD I kept to this promise – but by this time I had started reading and shortly after blogging, and now my schedule is packed! I don’t review everything I read, but I try too and I’m so bogged down with stuff I’m SUPER excited to read that i keep putting this off until I have more “time..” – all of my fellow bloggers know this feeling.. SO maybe I should make this my mid-year blogging resolution? What do you all think??

Let me hear what you think — Should I read it now, make that a huge bookish commitment to have done by the first day of 2014? OR if i’ve seen the movies and loved them – should this stay this way? I am not a huge magic fan or wizard fan.. but I kind of put this into a different category…

Anyway – let me hear it, what do you think?? Should I stay a misinformed Muggle – or do I make this a resolution right here and now to get this right and read these books??!

Happy Saturday!!



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